The Reverie
Sonic vs. Electric Toothbrushes: 4 Key Differences, Explained
About 41% of adults opt for an electric toothbrush over a manual one. But there’s a special type of electric toothbrush that blows the competition out of the water: sonic toothbrushes. Learn why these super-powered gadgets are a dentist’s delight.
The Reverie
Toothpaste Allergies: All the Symptoms and Causes You Need to Know Before You Brush
From foaming agents to fake flavors, there are all sorts of potential allergens lurking in your t...
The Reverie
Is Sparkling Water Bad for Your Teeth? We Settled the Debate
Is opting for sparkling over still a bad choice for your teeth? We studied the data to see how ca...
The Reverie
Is Mouthwash Bad for Your Mouth? Dr. Jacci’s Take
Is mouthwash a part of your oral routine? It may being doing more harm than good.
The Reverie
Xylitol for Dry Mouth: How It Works and 3 Ways to Use It
Dealing with a dry mouth? Here’s a solution that’s sweet, simple, and most importantly, backed by...
The Reverie
Does B12 Give You Energy? Here’s What to Expect When You Take It
Before you drink another coffee or hit “snooze” again, make sure you’re getting enough vitamin B1...
The Reverie
Balance, Explained - By CEO & Co-founder Vladimir Vukicevic
Meet our newest product: BALANCE Vitamin Mouth Spray.